Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had recognized had been my problem: I was so booked up with clients.

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Stuff you shouldn’t miss this season. Stumptown synth Banksy, typewriter street art sustainable put a bird on it Blue Bottle viral mlkshk freegan four loko. XOXO mixtape raw denim hashtag. Hoodie twee Banksy, messenger bag bespoke irony sriracha drinking vinegar chia bicycle rights butcher. +1 fixie leggings fingerstache sustainable hella ennui. Disrupt High Life retro Blue Bottle, meggings kitsch Brooklyn fap. Pinterest try-hard narwhal disrupt. Leggings Carles stumptown plaid

In a professional context it often happens that private or corporate clients corder a publication to be made and presented with the actual content still not being ready. Think of a news blog that’s filled with content hourly on the day of going live. However, reviewers tend to be distracted by comprehensible content, say, a random text copied from a newspaper or the internet. The are likely to focus on the text, disregarding the layout and its elements. Besides, random text risks to be unintendedly humorous or offensive, an unacceptable risk in corporate environments. Lorem ipsum and its many variants have been employed since the early 1960ies, and quite likely since the sixteenth century.
Text risks to be unintendedly humorous or offensive, an unacceptable risk in corporate environments. Lorem ipsum and its many variants have been employed since the early 1960ies, and quite likely since the sixteenth century.

[cl_row css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’0px’,’padding-bottom’:’0px’}_-_json”][cl_column css_style=”{‘padding-bottom’:’0px’}_-_json”][cl_text]

Done? While there’s not necessarily a “correct” answer here, it’s most likely you split the bugs into four clusters. The spiders in one cluster, the pair of snails in another, the butterflies and moth into one, and the trio of wasps and bees into one more.

That wasn’t too bad, was it? You could probably do the same with twice as many bugs, right? If you had a bit of time to spare — or a passion for entomology — you could probably even do this same with a hundred bugs.For a machine though, grouping ten objects into however many meaningful clusters is no small task, thanks to a mind-bending branch of maths called combinatorics, which tells us that are 115,975 different possible ways you could have grouped those ten insects together. Had there been twenty bugs, there would have been over fifty trillion possible ways of clustering them.

With a hundred bugs — there’d be many times more solutions than there are particles in the known universe. How many times more? By my calculation, approximately five hundred million billion billion times more. In fact, there are more than four million billion googol solutions (what’s a googol?). For just a hundred objects.Almost all of those solutions would be meaningless — yet from that unimaginable number of possible choices, you pretty quickly found one of the very few that clustered the bugs in a useful way.

Us humans take it for granted how good we are categorizing and making sense of large volumes of data pretty quickly. Whether it’s a paragraph of text, or images on a screen, or a sequence of objects — humans are generally fairly efficient at making sense of whatever data the world throws at us.Given that a key aspect of developing A.I. and Machine Learning is getting machines to quickly make sense of large sets of input data, what shortcuts are there available? Here, you can read about three clustering algorithms that can machines can use to quickly make sense of large datasets. This is by no means an exhaustive list — there are other algorithms out there — but they represent a good place to start!You’ll find for each a quick summary of when you might use them, a brief overview of how they work, and a more detailed, step-by-step worked example. I believe it helps to understand an algorithm by actually carrying out yourself. If you’re really keen, you’ll find the best way to do this is with pen and paper. Go ahead — nobody will judge!

There are several variations on the algorithm described here. The initial method of ‘seeding’ the clusters can be done in one of several ways. Here, we randomly assigned every player into a group, then calculated the group means. This causes the initial group means to tend towards being similar to one another, which ensures greater repeatability.

An alternative is to seed the clusters with just one player each, then start assigning players to the nearest cluster. The returned clusters are more sensitive to the initial seeding step, reducing repeatability in highly variable datasets. However, this approach may reduce the number of iterations required to complete the algorithm, as the groups will take less time to diverge.An obvious limitation to K-means clustering is that you have to provide a priori assumptions about how many clusters you’re expecting to find. There are methods to assess the fit of a particular set of clusters. For example, the Within-Cluster Sum-of-Squares is a measure of the variance within each cluster. The ‘better’ the clusters, the lower the overall WCSS.



[cl_row css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’40px’,’padding-bottom’:’40px’}_-_json”][cl_column][cl_custom_heading typography=”custom_font” text_font_size=”20″ text_transform=”none” text_color=”#383838″ css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’0px’}_-_json” text_line_height=”20″]

About Creation

[/cl_custom_heading][cl_text css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’20px’}_-_json”]

I have a rule. After every podcast, I write down 10 things I learned. I don’t know if anyone else does this. Do you do this? Some people make illustrations. They send me what they’ve learned. It’s a creation of a creation of a creation. A drawing of a podcast of someone’s life.But I broke my rule. It’s been over a month. And my brain is digging for the lessons from my interview with the creator of WordPress. I think I have Alzheimer’s. Matt was 19 years old when he started WordPress. It was 2003. Now gets more traffic than Wall Street Journal and The New York Times both use WordPress. I use WordPress.I wanted to know if it’s still worth the time and effort to make your own site. He said it is. That’s how you break out…“We’re trying to revitalize the independent web,” Matt Mullenweg said. He’s 33 now. “It’s not like these big sites are going anywhere. They’re fantastic. I use all of them, but you want balance. You need your own site that belongs to you… like your own home on the Internet.”This is part of Matt’s code. Not WordPress’s “code.” Matt’s like a robot. I mean that as a compliment. There are many signs of this: language, ability, he’s very exact.

Done? While there’s not necessarily a “correct” answer here, it’s most likely you split the bugs into four clusters. The spiders in one cluster, the pair of snails in another, the butterflies and moth into one, and the trio of wasps and bees into one more.That wasn’t too bad, was it? You could probably do the same with twice as many bugs, right? If you had a bit of time to spare — or a passion for entomology — you could probably even do this same with a hundred bugs.For a machine though, grouping ten objects into however many meaningful clusters is no small task, thanks to a mind-bending branch of maths called combinatorics, which tells us that are 115,975 different possible ways you could have grouped those ten insects together. Had there been twenty bugs, there would have been over fifty trillion possible ways of clustering them.With a hundred bugs — there’d be many times more solutions than there are particles in the known universe. How many times more? By my calculation, approximately five hundred million billion billion times more. In fact, there are more than four million billion googol solutions (what’s a googol?). For just a hundred objects.Almost all of those solutions would be meaningless — yet from that unimaginable number of possible choices, you pretty quickly found one of the very few that clustered the bugs in a useful way.Us humans take it for granted how good we are categorizing and making sense of large volumes of data pretty quickly. Whether it’s a paragraph of text, or images on a screen, or a sequence of objects — humans are generally fairly efficient at making sense of whatever data the world throws at us.Given that a key aspect of developing A.I. and Machine Learning is getting machines to quickly make sense of large sets of input data, what shortcuts are there available? Here, you can read about three clustering algorithms that can machines can use to quickly make sense of large datasets. This is by no means an exhaustive list — there are other algorithms out there — but they represent a good place to start!You’ll find for each a quick summary of when you might use them, a brief overview of how they work, and a more detailed, step-by-step worked example. I believe it helps to understand an algorithm by actually carrying out yourself. If you’re really keen, you’ll find the best way to do this is with pen and paper. Go ahead — nobody will judge!


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Interior Design

[/cl_custom_heading][cl_text custom_typography=”1″ text_font_size=”20″ text_line_height=”32″ text_color=”#cecece” animation_delay=”1000″ animation_speed=”800″ css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’10px’}_-_json” margin_paragraphs=”0″]

Folie comes with Visual Portfolio Builder like no other theme.

Predefined Layouts & 100+ Options to choose from.

[/cl_text][/cl_column][/cl_row][cl_row css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’40px’,’padding-bottom’:’40px’}_-_json”][cl_column css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’20px’,’padding-bottom’:’20px’}_-_json”][cl_custom_heading typography=”custom_font” text_font_size=”20″ text_transform=”none” text_color=”#383838″ css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’0px’}_-_json” text_line_height=”20″]Creativity is the key
[/cl_custom_heading][cl_text css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’20px’}_-_json”]

Even core Calypso project team members had to get over our intimidation. None of us were strong JavaScript developers. But as each day passed our experience built, we made mistakes, we reviewed them, we fixed them, and we learned. Once we had the project moving, we set better examples for other engineers, and shared our knowledge across the company. Developers have increasingly adopted SSGs because they are faster, more secure, and less complex than WordPress, and they typically fit in nicely with version control platforms like GitHub and Bitbucket. David Walsh (edit — although the post is on David Walsh’s blog, it was actually written by Eduardo Bouças)There are several variations on the algorithm described here. The initial method of ‘seeding’ the clusters can be done in one of several ways. Here, we randomly assigned every player into a group, then calculated the group means. This causes the initial group means to tend towards being similar to one another, which ensures greater repeatability.An alternative is to seed the clusters with just one player each, then start assigning players to the nearest cluster. The returned clusters are more sensitive to the initial seeding step, reducing repeatability in highly variable datasets. However, this approach may reduce the number of iterations required to complete the algorithm, as the groups will take less time to diverge.An obvious limitation to K-means clustering is that you have to provide a priori assumptions about how many clusters you’re expecting to find. There are methods to assess the fit of a particular set of clusters. For example, the Within-Cluster Sum-of-Squares is a measure of the variance within each cluster. The ‘better’ the clusters, the lower the overall WCSS.

The structure of the dendrogram gives us insight into how our dataset is structured. In our example, we see two main branches, with Humpback Whale and Fin Whale on one side, and the Bottlenose Dolphin/Risso’s Dolphin and Pilot Whale/Killer Whale on the other.In evolutionary biology, much larger datasets with many more specimens and measurements are used in this way to infer taxonomic relationships between them. Outside of biology, hierarchical clustering has applications in Data Mining and Machine Learning contexts.

The cool thing is that this approach requires no assumptions about the number of clusters you’re looking for. You can split the returned dendrogram into clusters by “cutting” the tree at a given height. This height can be chosen in a number of ways, depending on the resolution at which you wish to cluster the data.


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[/cl_custom_heading][cl_text css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’20px’}_-_json”]

So, sure. Maybe you buy into the notion that the future is static. And maybe you also believe it’s going to be mighty difficult for WordPress to wean those self-identified WordPress developers onto something that’s not PHP, but the WordPress team is not not dumb, and they’re not standing still. With the release of Calypso, they completely re-wrote the admin portal for WordPress using NodeJS and ReactJS whose output is of course, STATIC!In other words, the WordPress team has started to disrupt itself and has moved to JavaScript and GitHub version control. The challenge is going to be convincing hundreds of thousands of PHP developers to follow suit.

The structure of the dendrogram gives us insight into how our dataset is structured. In our example, we see two main branches, with Humpback Whale and Fin Whale on one side, and the Bottlenose Dolphin/Risso’s Dolphin and Pilot Whale/Killer Whale on the other.In evolutionary biology, much larger datasets with many more specimens and measurements are used in this way to infer taxonomic relationships between them. Outside of biology, hierarchical clustering has applications in Data Mining and Machine Learning contexts.

The cool thing is that this approach requires no assumptions about the number of clusters you’re looking for. You can split the returned dendrogram into clusters by “cutting” the tree at a given height. This height can be chosen in a number of ways, depending on the resolution at which you wish to cluster the data.

[/cl_text][/cl_column][/cl_row][cl_row css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’70px’,’padding-bottom’:’70px’,’border-bottom-width’:’1px’,’border-top-width’:’1px’}_-_json” background_color=”#f5f5f5″ border_color=”#ebebeb”][cl_column css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’20px’,’padding-bottom’:’20px’}_-_json”][cl_custom_heading typography=”custom_font” text_font_size=”20″ text_transform=”none” text_color=”#383838″ css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’0px’}_-_json” text_line_height=”20″]

Recent News

[/cl_custom_heading][cl_blog css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’35px’}_-_json” posts_per_page=”3″ blog_animation=”top-t-bottom” categories=”{‘0′:’3′,’1′:’4′,’2′:’8’}_-_json”][/cl_column][/cl_row][cl_page_header title=”Silence is so freaking loud” type=”modern” description=”A Sample Post Page Header” modern_effect=”gradient_shadow” height=”420″ text_color=”light-text” background_image=”{‘id’:’71’,’title’:’room-compressed’,’filename’:’room-compressed.jpg’,’url’:’’,’link’:’′,’alt’:”,’author’:’1′,’description’:”,’caption’:”,’name’:’room-compressed’,’status’:’inherit’,’uploadedTo’:’70’,’date’:’Fri%20Jan%2006%202017%2016%3A00%3A06%20GMT%2B0100%20(CET)’,’modified’:’Fri%20Jan%2006%202017%2016%3A00%3A06%20GMT%2B0100%20(CET)’,’menuOrder’:’0′,’mime’:’image%2Fjpeg’,’type’:’image’,’subtype’:’jpeg’,’icon’:’’,’dateFormatted’:’January%206%2C%202017′,’nonces’:’%5Bobject%20Object%5D’,’editLink’:’’,’meta’:’false’,’authorName’:’admin’,’uploadedToLink’:’’,’uploadedToTitle’:’Silence%20is%20so%20freaking%20loud’,’filesizeInBytes’:’271042′,’filesizeHumanReadable’:’265%20KB’,’height’:’1333′,’width’:’2000′,’orientation’:’landscape’,’sizes’:’%5Bobject%20Object%5D’,’compat’:’%5Bobject%20Object%5D’}_-_json” overlay=”gradient” overlay_gradient=”deep_sea” overlay_opacity=”0.85″ border_color=”#1e1e1e” typography=”custom_font” title_font_size=”64″ title_font_weight=”700″ title_line_height=”76″]

[cl_row css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’0px’,’padding-bottom’:’0px’}_-_json”][cl_column css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’20px’,’padding-bottom’:’20px’}_-_json”][cl_gallery css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’35px’}_-_json” images=”__array__2992,2991__array__end__”][/cl_column][/cl_row][cl_row css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’0px’}_-_json”][cl_column][cl_text]

Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had recognized had been my problem: I was so booked up with clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tristique laoreet enim ac commodo. Etiam tincidunt laoreet libero a consectetur. Cras vel libero rutrum purus feugiat feugiat eget ac augue. Donec nunc risus, sollicitudin nec ornare non, scelerisque in mi. Aliquam mattis lectus id quam iaculis interdum. Fusce sit amet mattis mi, quis laoreet lacus. Vestibulum eleifend at ex convallis faucibus. Maecenas non interdum lacus. Sed felis purus, posuere ut est ut, feugiat porta justo. Praesent nec dui sit amet quam cursus fringilla. Nullam sed ex aliquet massa fermentum posuere. Donec risus massa, tristique nec tristique vitae, auctor condimentum leo. Sed vitae luctus enim. Aliquam rutrum consectetur ex, vitae ultrices eros tristique a.

Nam eu tincidunt nisl. Morbi fermentum ante lectus. Aenean sed lacus vel leo commodo vehicula non in enim. Nulla ut luctus ex. Nullam ac vehicula eros. Morbi mollis lobortis pretium. Nunc ultrices ex nec lectus viverra, scelerisque laoreet magna congue. Maecenas dictum odio sapien, eget tristique nulla venenatis non. Donec dapibus condimentum arcu, eu lobortis ipsum rhoncus id. Quisque molestie fringilla neque in consectetur. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse tristique in nibh vel ultrices.

Duis erat ipsum, lacinia eget tempor non, varius nec erat. Fusce eget aliquet nunc. Nam pharetra eleifend ex, sed tristique lectus ornare eu. Pellentesque vestibulum ipsum sem, nec dignissim libero efficitur quis. Aliquam id venenatis nisl. Sed quam mauris, luctus at finibus a, molestie ut purus. Pellentesque sit amet diam cursus, vehicula turpis vitae, scelerisque nisl. Sed vitae vehicula eros. Nulla a tortor sed purus vestibulum dapibus quis eget sapien. Etiam luctus sapien sit amet erat iaculis, non hendrerit orci imperdiet. Praesent quam odio, pharetra non tincidunt auctor, cursus quis tortor. Vestibulum molestie at mi et rhoncus. Maecenas volutpat blandit nibh, id viverra erat mattis in. Nullam finibus id elit ut feugiat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tristique laoreet enim ac commodo. Etiam tincidunt laoreet libero a consectetur. Cras vel libero rutrum purus feugiat feugiat eget ac augue. Donec nunc risus, sollicitudin nec ornare non, scelerisque in mi. Aliquam mattis lectus id quam iaculis interdum. Fusce sit amet mattis mi, quis laoreet lacus. Vestibulum eleifend at ex convallis faucibus. Maecenas non interdum lacus. Sed felis purus, posuere ut est ut, feugiat porta justo. Praesent nec dui sit amet quam cursus fringilla. Nullam sed ex aliquet massa fermentum posuere. Donec risus massa, tristique nec tristique vitae, auctor condimentum leo. Sed vitae luctus enim. Aliquam rutrum consectetur ex, vitae ultrices eros tristique a.

Nam eu tincidunt nisl. Morbi fermentum ante lectus. Aenean sed lacus vel leo commodo vehicula non in enim. Nulla ut luctus ex. Nullam ac vehicula eros. Morbi mollis lobortis pretium. Nunc ultrices ex nec lectus viverra, scelerisque laoreet magna congue. Maecenas dictum odio sapien, eget tristique nulla venenatis non. Donec dapibus condimentum arcu, eu lobortis ipsum rhoncus id. Quisque molestie fringilla neque in consectetur. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse tristique in nibh vel ultrices.

Duis erat ipsum, lacinia eget tempor non, varius nec erat. Fusce eget aliquet nunc. Nam pharetra eleifend ex, sed tristique lectus ornare eu. Pellentesque vestibulum ipsum sem, nec dignissim libero efficitur quis. Aliquam id venenatis nisl. Sed quam mauris, luctus at finibus a, molestie ut purus. Pellentesque sit amet diam cursus, vehicula turpis vitae, scelerisque nisl. Sed vitae vehicula eros. Nulla a tortor sed purus vestibulum dapibus quis eget sapien. Etiam luctus sapien sit amet erat iaculis, non hendrerit orci imperdiet. Praesent quam odio, pharetra non tincidunt auctor, cursus quis tortor. Vestibulum molestie at mi et rhoncus. Maecenas volutpat blandit nibh, id viverra erat mattis in. Nullam finibus id elit ut feugiat.


Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had recognized had been my problem: I was so booked up with clients

Because the topic of motion in user interfaces is mostly understood by designers to be ‘UI Animation’—which it is not — I feel like I need to create a bit of context before we jump into the 12 Principles.‘UI Animation’ is typically thought of by designers as something that makes the user experience more delightful, but overall doesn’t add much value. Thus, UI Animation is often treated like the red-headed stepchild of UX (apologies to red-headed stepchildren everywhere). If at all, it usually comes at the end, as a final lipstick pass.The act of masking asking can be thought of as a relationship between the shape of the object and it’s utility.Because designers are familiar with ‘masking’ in the context of static design, it behooves us to bring distinction to the UX in Motion Principle ‘Masking’ as it occurs in time, as an act, and not as a state.Through the temporal use of revealing and concealing regions of an object, utility transitions in a continuous and seamless way. This also has the effect of preserving narrative flow.

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

[cl_page_header title=”New day with new strength” type=”modern” height=”415″ text_color=”light-text” background_image=”{‘id’:’37’,’title’:’nature2-compressed’,’filename’:’nature2-compressed.jpg’,’url’:’’,’link’:’′,’alt’:”,’author’:’1′,’description’:”,’caption’:”,’name’:’nature2-compressed’,’status’:’inherit’,’uploadedTo’:’34’,’date’:’Thu%20Jan%2005%202017%2018%3A07%3A32%20GMT%2B0100%20(CET)’,’modified’:’Thu%20Jan%2005%202017%2018%3A07%3A32%20GMT%2B0100%20(CET)’,’menuOrder’:’0′,’mime’:’image%2Fjpeg’,’type’:’image’,’subtype’:’jpeg’,’icon’:’’,’dateFormatted’:’January%205%2C%202017′,’nonces’:’%5Bobject%20Object%5D’,’editLink’:’’,’meta’:’false’,’authorName’:’admin’,’uploadedToLink’:’’,’uploadedToTitle’:’Look%20deep%20into%20nature’,’filesizeInBytes’:’171548′,’filesizeHumanReadable’:’168%20KB’,’height’:’1335′,’width’:’2000′,’orientation’:’landscape’,’sizes’:’%5Bobject%20Object%5D’,’compat’:’%5Bobject%20Object%5D’}_-_json” background_position=”left center” parallax=”1″ overlay=”color” overlay_color=”#222222″ overlay_opacity=”0.9″ typography=”custom_font” title_font_size=”64″ title_font_weight=”700″ title_line_height=”76″][cl_row css_style=”{‘padding-bottom’:’0px’,’padding-top’:’70px’}_-_json”][cl_column][cl_text]I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Stuff you shouldn’t miss this season. Stumptown synth Banksy, typewriter street art sustainable put a bird on it Blue Bottle viral mlkshk freegan four loko. XOXO mixtape raw denim hashtag. Hoodie twee Banksy, messenger bag bespoke irony sriracha drinking vinegar chia bicycle rights butcher. +1 fixie leggings fingerstache sustainable hella ennui. Disrupt High Life retro Blue Bottle, meggings kitsch Brooklyn fap. Pinterest try-hard narwhal disrupt. Leggings Carles stumptown plaid[/cl_text][cl_row_inner css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’35px’}_-_json”][cl_column_inner width=”2/3″][cl_text css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’35px’}_-_json”]

In a professional context it often happens that private or corporate clients corder a publication to be made and presented with the actual content still not being ready. Think of a news blog that’s filled with content hourly on the day of going live. However, reviewers tend to be distracted by comprehensible content, say, a random text copied from a newspaper or the internet. The are likely to focus on the text, disregarding the layout and its elements. Besides, random text risks to be unintendedly humorous or offensive, an unacceptable risk in corporate environments. Lorem ipsum and its many variants have been employed since the early 1960ies, and quite likely since the sixteenth century.

Text risks to be unintendedly humorous or offensive, an unacceptable risk in corporate environments. Lorem ipsum and its many variants have been employed since the early 1960ies, and quite likely since the sixteenth century.

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[cl_row custom_width_bool=”1″ custom_width=”810″][cl_column][cl_text custom_typography=”1″ text_font_size=”16″ text_line_height=”28″]

Originality isn’t about doing what’s never been done in a strict sense, but it’s about the unique way in which each individual gives expression to his or her artistic influences. Quoting Jonathan Lethem, Kleon argues that “when people call something ‘original,’ nine out of ten times they just don’t know the references or the original sources involved.”It’s a simple idea, but not as simple as “copy the people you like” and you’ll be an instant genius.The kind of stealing Kleon refers to is not about pretending you came up with somebody else’s idea or just modifying a few details, but it’s about being strategic and selective with the process of choosing your influences, taking what resonates with you, making other people’s ideas your own, and being diverse enough to find unexplored points of intersection between your various influences.

If you fall in the category of people who want to write a book, learn an instrument, start a podcast, or do something creative, but you’re wrestling with the fear of not being good enough or original enough, Steal Like An Artist is a great book for helping you get started. It’s an easy read and there’s no complex jargon to navigate, but Kleon offers some highly digestible and pragmatic insights for the beginning creator.Originality is how you uniquely put things together. You didn’t create the alphabet, yet you have a unique way of using language that differs from your peers. When a musician composes a song, they don’t feel pressured to invent the notes on the piano or to create a new instrument. They can simply work with what’s already there and put their own unique twist on it.The quest for originality is a distraction. It usually leads to a self-obsessive focus on saying what’s never been said when all that really matters is saying what you believe, saying what you feel, and saying what you mean. When you first start doing this, you might not sound very original, but this process is precisely how you find your voice.

We are the generation that struggles to see both the problems and the possibilities for progress because our worldview is dominated by an obsession over what the people on the other political team are up to. We are the generation that refuses to acknowledge injustice because of a fear of how liberals will politicize the incident. We are the generation that refuses to acknowledge the beauty of self-empowerment because of a fear of how conservatives will abuse the message.We are the generation that has lost sight of truth because we’re too busy defending ideologies to have time for exploring new ideas, questioning our assumptions, and ridding ourselves of self-defeating beliefs. We are the generation that will do everything it can to avoid admitting someone was right if he or she represents the wrong party. We are the generation that will go out of its way to gloss over the wrongdoings of others if he or she is part of our own in-group.

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Black & White

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If you’re always wondering “How much time do I have before I can stop doing this?” then you’ll almost always come in second place to the person that wakes up in the morning eager to do it. It’s not that passion has some sort of magic power to it, but you’re just far more likely to put the work in, make interesting connections, and exercise follow-through if you adamantly believe in what you’re doing.

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So many people get stuck on things like “being a writer” or “being an entrepreneur” and they never get around to getting things done because they’re too busy trying to figure out if their ontological state gives them permission to do the thing they want to do.Forget about your state of being for a second. Forget about your identity for a moment Just do something. If you’re interested in it right now, then that’s enough to try it out. You’ll find out the most valuable information about yourself not by naval gazing and analyzing your soul all day long, but by getting to know what the creative process actually feels like. The worst thing you can do is make your actions dependent on some rashly established axiomatic understanding of what your identity is.

Your sense of self will evolve and expand until the day you die. So you’ll be waiting around forever if you insist on knowing who you are before beginning the work you feel compelled to do in the moment.

Work. Risk. Try. Create. Experiment. Test. Move. Do. Knowledge of self is the effect, not the cause of all these things.Who needs truth when you have talking points? What need is there for the individual to challenge himself or herself to make the world a freer place on a day-to-day basis when all you have to do is vote on election day?

We have it all figured out. Whatever our problems are, it’s mostly because the “wrong person” is in office. We’ll get it right this time around. We’ll pay extra close attention to the debates this time around. We’ll ask them tougher questions this time around. We’ll encourage even more people to vote this time around. This time things will be different.There’s always a savior. There’s always a superman, or an angel from on high, or a fairy godmother who comes along and sets things properly a course. You’ll see. I’ll see. We’ll all see.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam luctus enim eget odio vehicula varius. Quisque auctor urna eget convallis pharetra. Proin molestie augue id faucibus dignissim. Praesent in dui ornare lacus ullamcorper iaculis. Proin eu convallis ligula. Nam congue nunc dui, ac sodales eros pulvinar et. Cras auctor eget arcu nec iaculis. Nunc enim leo, venenatis eu euismod ut, convallis sit amet ante. Suspendisse augue felis, suscipit ut sollicitudin interdum, vehicula in ipsum. Mauris pulvinar laoreet diam, ut efficitur nisl volutpat ut. Ut iaculis dignissim accumsan.In non auctor mauris. Integer auctor, ex eu tempus sodales, nunc diam hendrerit enim, vitae sollicitudin libero velit nec lorem. In in diam eget massa rutrum pharetra eget id enim. Curabitur facilisis, augue eu ornare tempus, ex velit pellentesque ipsum, sed mollis neque magna a leo. Sed eu porttitor ligula. Phasellus commodo feugiat mollis. Vestibulum in accumsan massa. Donec volutpat molestie massa, dapibus ultrices orci pulvinar nec. Suspendisse eu dui ut ante vestibulum molestie. Proin tincidunt risus sit amet facilisis lacinia. Praesent volutpat, risus eget mollis pulvinar, orci neque luctus mauris, vitae auctor velit tellus sed sem. Quisque ac ornare odio, at pellentesque nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin vitae pharetra elit. Sed blandit odio a dui sagittis eleifend.



Morbi interdum pellentesque purus ut rutrum. Fusce sed risus sapien. Cras quis volutpat quam, quis mattis ligula. Ut sed tempor lectus. Vestibulum tincidunt posuere maximus. In semper risus at tristique placerat. Proin tempor finibus finibus. Nulla venenatis, urna ut ullamcorper convallis, massa magna suscipit nisi, eu mollis purus risus ac mi. Nunc auctor libero et est varius efficitur. Praesent lobortis magna id tellus auctor, quis placerat dui sollicitudin. Aenean sed metus eget sem consequat commodo non in ligula.

Ut eu eleifend elit, id tincidunt elit. Donec blandit sapien vel posuere lacinia. Vivamus dictum metus ut bibendum vestibulum. Integer dictum arcu vel elit luctus hendrerit. Aliquam vulputate eu eros eget pharetra. Ut tempus, orci nec efficitur tristique, leo ex ultricies diam, sed bibendum erat diam quis dolor. Curabitur gravida arcu ac maximus interdum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Phasellus vel ultrices urna. Maecenas sed libero rhoncus, molestie nulla id, pulvinar arcu. Vivamus enim lectus, hendrerit quis enim eget, lacinia viverra nisl. Suspendisse ultrices convallis laoreet. Sed et euismod nulla, non ornare odio. Nam faucibus odio in convallis lacinia. Vestibulum vehicula erat massa, vel sagittis lectus accumsan nec. Nulla euismod augue in nisl ornare consectetur. Etiam viverra, tortor sed ullamcorper consectetur, purus turpis dapibus diam, vitae pellentesque ante orci non dolor. Duis egestas vitae augue id convallis. Cras mattis commodo dictum. Etiam non nulla rutrum, sodales orci in, condimentum quam. Nulla ultricies nulla nec consequat volutpat.

[cl_row fullheight=”1″ css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’45px’,’padding-bottom’:’45px’}_-_json” background_image=”{‘id’:’21’,’title’:’snowy-trees-and-blue-cloudless-sky-picjumbo-com-compressed’,’filename’:’snowy-trees-and-blue-cloudless-sky-picjumbo-com-compressed.jpg’,’url’:’’,’link’:’′,’alt’:”,’author’:’1′,’description’:”,’caption’:”,’name’:’snowy-trees-and-blue-cloudless-sky-picjumbo-com-compressed’,’status’:’inherit’,’uploadedTo’:’18’,’date’:’Thu%20Jan%2005%202017%2016%3A59%3A19%20GMT%2B0100%20(W.%20Europe%20Standard%20Time)’,’modified’:’Thu%20Jan%2005%202017%2016%3A59%3A19%20GMT%2B0100%20(W.%20Europe%20Standard%20Time)’,’menuOrder’:’0′,’mime’:’image%2Fjpeg’,’type’:’image’,’subtype’:’jpeg’,’icon’:’’,’dateFormatted’:’January%205%2C%202017′,’nonces’:’%5Bobject%20Object%5D’,’editLink’:’’,’meta’:’false’,’authorName’:’admin’,’uploadedToLink’:’’,’uploadedToTitle’:’The%20unlimited%20beauty%20of%20Winter’,’filesizeInBytes’:’336941′,’filesizeHumanReadable’:’329%20KB’,’height’:’1335′,’width’:’2000′,’orientation’:’landscape’,’sizes’:’%5Bobject%20Object%5D’,’compat’:’%5Bobject%20Object%5D’}_-_json” parallax=”1″ overlay=”gradient” overlay_gradient=”deep_space” overlay_opacity=”0.55″][cl_column css_style=”{‘padding-top’:’20px’,’padding-bottom’:’20px’}_-_json”][cl_custom_heading typography=”custom_font” text_font_size=”18″ text_font_weight=”100″ text_letterspace=”4″ text_color=”#bfbfbf” animation_delay=”200″ css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’0px’}_-_json” custom_responsive_992_bool=”1″ custom_responsive_992_size=”22px” custom_responsive_768_bool=”1″ custom_responsive_768_size=”17px” custom_responsive_768_line_height=”24px” text_line_height=”28″]


[/cl_custom_heading][cl_custom_heading typography=”custom_font” text_font_size=”64″ text_transform=”none” text_color=”#ffffff” css_style=”{‘margin-top’:’20px’}_-_json” text_line_height=”74″]

Snowy and blue cloudless sky


Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had recognized had been my problem: I was so booked up with clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus vel orci id hendrerit. Nunc congue fringilla augue, quis convallis diam gravida non. Integer ipsum felis, laoreet ut faucibus sit amet, posuere ut enim. Nam convallis, arcu a gravida tempus, nisi tortor hendrerit est, non bibendum lorem odio in nunc. Etiam bibendum enim ut pharetra volutpat. Nunc et augue molestie, pretium libero quis, lacinia orci. Fusce sit amet lacinia sem, auctor ultricies ex. Morbi id purus in diam tincidunt bibendum lacinia nec est. Pellentesque at neque eget lectus sollicitudin egestas. Suspendisse id leo et mi venenatis mattis id vel lorem. Nunc suscipit dapibus orci quis sodales. Aliquam at varius diam, et tincidunt tortor.

Praesent suscipit sapien mattis, viverra nisi sit amet, malesuada nibh. Praesent ac dui ac nulla rutrum porttitor. Aenean in iaculis mi, eget vehicula neque. Quisque eget malesuada augue. Mauris sed dictum nunc. Pellentesque faucibus arcu arcu, id ornare nisl molestie ut. Donec vel arcu at quam varius dignissim. Curabitur ultrices suscipit dolor, a commodo sem fringilla at. Fusce laoreet orci libero, id sagittis mi mattis sed. Nulla placerat, dolor quis rhoncus vestibulum, nibh ex luctus libero, eu feugiat leo ante condimentum tellus.

Etiam tristique convallis vestibulum. Praesent dapibus, sem eu vestibulum blandit, turpis velit pellentesque enim, vitae tempor felis odio at diam. Phasellus tristique ornare tortor id condimentum. Mauris venenatis iaculis ultrices. Donec vel accumsan leo. Mauris accumsan vitae orci quis rhoncus. Morbi cursus ipsum ac urna dictum, vel tristique elit pharetra. Ut non blandit urna, id consectetur augue. Vestibulum sodales arcu eu ligula cursus auctor. Maecenas finibus sed nulla sed lacinia. Maecenas odio felis, semper quis nunc posuere, commodo volutpat velit. Sed pellentesque neque ut quam mattis pretium. Suspendisse sem turpis, lacinia id ornare eget, aliquam id sapien. Nunc lacinia faucibus nisl sed aliquet. Quisque egestas sit amet mauris sed efficitur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus vel orci id hendrerit. Nunc congue fringilla augue, quis convallis diam gravida non. Integer ipsum felis, laoreet ut faucibus sit amet, posuere ut enim. Nam convallis, arcu a gravida tempus, nisi tortor hendrerit est, non bibendum lorem odio in nunc. Etiam bibendum enim ut pharetra volutpat. Nunc et augue molestie, pretium libero quis, lacinia orci. Fusce sit amet lacinia sem, auctor ultricies ex. Morbi id purus in diam tincidunt bibendum lacinia nec est. Pellentesque at neque eget lectus sollicitudin egestas. Suspendisse id leo et mi venenatis mattis id vel lorem. Nunc suscipit dapibus orci quis sodales. Aliquam at varius diam, et tincidunt tortor.

Praesent suscipit sapien mattis, viverra nisi sit amet, malesuada nibh. Praesent ac dui ac nulla rutrum porttitor. Aenean in iaculis mi, eget vehicula neque. Quisque eget malesuada augue. Mauris sed dictum nunc. Pellentesque faucibus arcu arcu, id ornare nisl molestie ut. Donec vel arcu at quam varius dignissim. Curabitur ultrices suscipit dolor, a commodo sem fringilla at. Fusce laoreet orci libero, id sagittis mi mattis sed. Nulla placerat, dolor quis rhoncus vestibulum, nibh ex luctus libero, eu feugiat leo ante condimentum tellus.

Etiam tristique convallis vestibulum. Praesent dapibus, sem eu vestibulum blandit, turpis velit pellentesque enim, vitae tempor felis odio at diam. Phasellus tristique ornare tortor id condimentum. Mauris venenatis iaculis ultrices. Donec vel accumsan leo. Mauris accumsan vitae orci quis rhoncus. Morbi cursus ipsum ac urna dictum, vel tristique elit pharetra. Ut non blandit urna, id consectetur augue. Vestibulum sodales arcu eu ligula cursus auctor. Maecenas finibus sed nulla sed lacinia. Maecenas odio felis, semper quis nunc posuere, commodo volutpat velit. Sed pellentesque neque ut quam mattis pretium. Suspendisse sem turpis, lacinia id ornare eget, aliquam id sapien. Nunc lacinia faucibus nisl sed aliquet. Quisque egestas sit amet mauris sed efficitur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus vel orci id hendrerit. Nunc congue fringilla augue, quis convallis diam gravida non. Integer ipsum felis, laoreet ut faucibus sit amet, posuere ut enim. Nam convallis, arcu a gravida tempus, nisi tortor hendrerit est, non bibendum lorem odio in nunc. Etiam bibendum enim ut pharetra volutpat. Nunc et augue molestie, pretium libero quis, lacinia orci. Fusce sit amet lacinia sem, auctor ultricies ex. Morbi id purus in diam tincidunt bibendum lacinia nec est. Pellentesque at neque eget lectus sollicitudin egestas. Suspendisse id leo et mi venenatis mattis id vel lorem. Nunc suscipit dapibus orci quis sodales. Aliquam at varius diam, et tincidunt tortor.

Praesent suscipit sapien mattis, viverra nisi sit amet, malesuada nibh. Praesent ac dui ac nulla rutrum porttitor. Aenean in iaculis mi, eget vehicula neque. Quisque eget malesuada augue. Mauris sed dictum nunc. Pellentesque faucibus arcu arcu, id ornare nisl molestie ut. Donec vel arcu at quam varius dignissim. Curabitur ultrices suscipit dolor, a commodo sem fringilla at. Fusce laoreet orci libero, id sagittis mi mattis sed. Nulla placerat, dolor quis rhoncus vestibulum, nibh ex luctus libero, eu feugiat leo ante condimentum tellus.

Etiam tristique convallis vestibulum. Praesent dapibus, sem eu vestibulum blandit, turpis velit pellentesque enim, vitae tempor felis odio at diam. Phasellus tristique ornare tortor id condimentum. Mauris venenatis iaculis ultrices. Donec vel accumsan leo. Mauris accumsan vitae orci quis rhoncus. Morbi cursus ipsum ac urna dictum, vel tristique elit pharetra. Ut non blandit urna, id consectetur augue. Vestibulum sodales arcu eu ligula cursus auctor. Maecenas finibus sed nulla sed lacinia. Maecenas odio felis, semper quis nunc posuere, commodo volutpat velit. Sed pellentesque neque ut quam mattis pretium. Suspendisse sem turpis, lacinia id ornare eget, aliquam id sapien. Nunc lacinia faucibus nisl sed aliquet. Quisque egestas sit amet mauris sed efficitur.
